Connie Kates-Williams, LMT with 15+ years of experience.
Health Options Institute 2004-2006, acquired license 2011, continuing education every 2 years will always be pursuing ways to heal with hands on techniques such at Orthopedic Massage.
I believe that your doctor will not suggest going to a massage therapist for after surgery scar tissue release or any other benefits massage can be for you as his/her patient. I am here to tell you and show you there is help after the good doctor releases you.
The reason I do what I do is to be a benefit to clients' pain and muscle issues. Massage therapists go that extra mile to pick up where the doctors drop the ball in your recovery.
I am happily married to my husband of 10+ years. We have two dogs and a kitty cat. We love to go camping, hiking, biking and going to Disney World. I love to grow a vegetable garden and I am always and improving my self worth according to my Good Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.